Our Services

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Consulting Services


SEO Consultancy

Consilea SEO Consultancy aims to position your website according to the industry in which you operate and to generate organic website traffic. Whether you have an e-commerce business model or you want customers to come to you through the site, we aim to increase your conversions organically. The significance of SEO in establishing your brand identity has reached an indisputable level.


As a result of the change in the Google algorithm, we will now offer as part of our services a new generation SEO strategy that builds on user experiences.


Our SEO Consultancy approach is to first comprehend the transformation or brand development of your brand, and then to work on your SEO strategy and SEO project by analysing your website’s identity. We would like to remind you that our SEO consulting services are available internationally in Turkish, English, and German.


Web Development

As soon as we accept the reality of the digital world, we also accept the fact that company offices are no longer physical rooms but rather websites. Your customers will visit you via your website, and your brand’s office will be presented to customers as your website. In this case, we are able to tailor the software and development process of your website to your specifications. This service includes the software development processes for your e-commerce websites. Our Php, Java, C++, and React-proficient software developers will serve as project managers for the duration of the duration of your project.


In our web software development consultancy, we conduct a customer interview to determine your needs, then map your project on the site map, and finally complete the UX/UI design and coding. After the coding process is complete, we give you a certain amount of time to test the website, and we’d like you to know that we’ll fix any bugs that crop up during this time.


Application Development

The fact that mobile applications are one of the most popular platforms today demonstrates the necessity for all businesses. Customers, employees, and business partners anticipate using mobile applications and websites to communicate with you. Faced with all of these expectations, we are able to conduct end-to-end research, design, development, testing, and go-live processes for your mobile application, which best represents you and offers your services to your target audience via a user-friendly interface.


In accordance with the methodology employed by our mobile application software development consultancy, we plan by conducting customer interviews to ascertain initial business and customer requirements. By mapping this planning and implementing UX/UI designs, we collect customer feedback. The front-end and back-end development processes are concluded after adjustments made in response to user feedback. After completing the development’s functionality and user testing, we deploy and test our application. After going live, we will continue to provide maintenance and support services.


UX UI Analysis and Consultancy

Providing a positive user experience and an intuitive user interface is one of the most important aspects of the websites and mobile applications that you make available to your customers, employees, and business partners. Through research and user interviews, we can prepare the optimal UI/UI design for your mobile application and website in this direction.


As a first step in our mobile or web UX / UI design consulting methodology, we conduct customer interviews for user-centric design, collect your customers’ demands and feedback, and conduct industry-specific research on similar application examples. We prepare UX studies in light of this feedback and the collected examples.


After these experience studies, we prepare UI and Wireframe designs in line with your corporate identity and conduct prototype tests. The screens are then delivered to you so that you can conduct development processes on a suitable platform.


After completing the process, we will continue to provide you with UX / UI design consulting support for any future web or mobile design requests.


Ads Management (LinkedIn, Google, META)

Due to the fact that digital advertisements are highly measurable in comparison to traditional advertisements, they are currently viewed as channels with increasing budgets and usage areas. In this vast pool, the most important factors are displaying the appropriate ad to the appropriate audience, identifying the best keywords for your business, and optimising the budget for maximum effectiveness. It is important to us that your digital advertisements reach the appropriate audience, rank highly in Google search results, and increase your conversion rates and sales.


Here, our professional team assists you with A/B testing, content planning, and retargeting in order to manage your Google & Meta & Linkedin advertisements according to your budget and increase your customers and sales.


With Google, Meta, and LinkedIn Advertising Consultancy, we develop your advertising accounts and target audiences for each platform. We create your discourse and content plans based on your objectives. We install your advertisements in accordance with your budget, perform regular optimisation checks, and aim to reach the right customers and increase your sales. We report the results of our marketing communications to you on a regular basis, evaluate them jointly, and plan improvement actions and agreements.


Social Media Management

The widespread use of the internet has altered the social habits of people today. In addition to influencing the social environment, this variability has also affected business practises. Until recently, both price and quality were considered when evaluating products and services. Today, however, time has supplanted price. The purchase of products and services now prioritises timeliness, and companies’ products and services are followed on social media and purchased using these platforms. You can achieve faster and more effective local promotion and international recognition through advertising. We define social media tools as Company Showcase at Consilea. We accelerate your brand by designing your showcase in accordance with your desired outcomes.


So how do we do this? After jointly defining your desires, expectations, and objectives, we conduct competitor analyses, develop a Brand Language that is consistent with your products and services and differentiates you from the competition, and then proceed with a communication strategy aimed at expanding your target audience. In addition to technical analysis, we create a content strategy to consider the textual aspect of communication.


Brand Identity Consultation

In an era of increasing competition in every industry, it is undeniable that the effective formulation of a company’s vision, mission, and strategic objectives is the foundation for retaining market share and building a sustainable future. The process begins with the question of how to differentiate from competitors while establishing strategic steps, following the vision and mission.


As Consilea, we construct an identity in accordance with your organization’s goals and values and the service content you provide. By defining the brand identity as part of the communication strategy, we ensure that your brand’s story, language, and communication with its target audience are consistent.


Logo Design

Corporate Identity Design

Corporate Website Design

Corporate Presentation Designs

Visual Language Design

Communication Language Strategy

Brand and Communication Language Positioning


With our services, we strive to become your business solutions partner in this industry.

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