SEO Training

SEO Training

Different departments or positions within your organisation may require SEO training, and this training will be extremely beneficial in terms of how to implement a search engine strategy. Your teams that control your website and your digital marketing specialists who manage your advertisements will all be able to have an expert opinion on this topic and gain the ability to operate the system independently.

Key Features

  • Practical instruction method
  • Online or in-person delivery method
  • A period of training designed according to requirements
  • Integrating theory and experience

Course Content

  • You will comprehend the search engine logic and learn the SEO tasks required for high rankings.
  • You will have the ability to perform on-site optimisations and SEO work.
  • You will learn how to perform SEO work off-site.
  • You will learn how to apply for Adsense and obtain approval quickly.
  • Learn how to record Search Console and Analytics data.
  • You will learn how to interpret user behaviour, Analytics data, and Search Console data in order to create user-friendly websites (UX).
  • You will discover how to accelerate your website.
  • You will discover the required plugin installations (Rank Math, YoastSEO, OneSignal Push Notification, AMP).
  • You will gain a thorough understanding of how to conduct the necessary SEO work on your clients’ websites.
  • You will learn how to increase traffic using keyword types and analysis techniques, as well as how to rise in certain words without exerting any effort.
  • During the process of creating a website, you will learn how to select a suitable theme, hosting service, and domain name.
  • You will learn how to manually generate a sitemap and SSL certificate using plugins.
  • Advanced technical SEO enables you to identify all of your competitors’ SEO strategies, implement them on your own sites, and discover new keywords. You will be able to monitor the health and rankings of the websites you manage.
  • You will gain knowledge of SEO tools (A hrefs, MOZ, SEMrush, Screaming Frog).
  • You will learn how to create content that is SEO-friendly and generate revenue from it.
  • You will understand the distinction between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO, and you will learn the fundamentals of Black Hat SEO through a sample programme.

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • No prerequisites exist.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Individuals and businesses aspiring to become SEO specialists
  • Experts seeking information about the search engine

Assessment Examination

All participants who pass the exam administered by the instructor at the conclusion of the course are eligible to receive the course certificate.
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